The Bunyere Community & St Timothy Primary as host
Melania co- funded with other Dutch donors a water project, implented by Tusaidaine Uganda. The project is headed and operated by the Bakyala Kwekulakulanya Women Group of Bunyere. The women spearheaded the project, wereby the community will contribute 5m to the 27m project costs. Parents and community already paid 2.5m. For the remainig they got a loan, which they will repay in 6 months time.
They signed the Donation agreement and the Loan agreement for the other part of there contribution.
The community was very happy to receive the project and thanked the women of Bunyere for taking the initiative. They promised to protect the project. They bought 5L drinking water jerrycans for taking clean water home to the family.
The women of Bunyere are thanking their fellow women from the Netherlands for supporting them in their project.