With the good work Tusaidiane is doing for a number of women groups, the women fromKyabiwa Bakyala Twesimbe Group saw it worth while to invite us to teach them how to manage their Microcredit Fund.
On the 23 of April 2015 we visted the women and we had a vibrant and open disscussion. We learnt that they are a registered group at the district level. They have 50 members, who ara making crafts, visit the disabled and the sick .They operate joint projcts like farming and a saloon. They are so far runing a capital of Ush750.000 (around € 250) from own savings; 19 members have a loan of around Ush 40.000 on average.
Our emphasis was on the following pillars,
- Low interest rates to enable borrowers to pay back.
- They should repay monthly, this helps other members to access the loans faster and the fund revolves.
- They should start with the little they have and not wait for donations.
- How to manage their savings.
- Simple accounting system and record keeping.
- Opening up a bank account, etc.
The ladies we very open minded and we had a good and long discussion.
We were happy to see the women taking their fate in their own hands and to see the change in their community.
A cultural dance was performed as a way of thanking us for our coming and the teaching . We pray that we had a postive effect on the women and may God keep them going to realise their dreams.
A doubling of their capital of € 250 would give the women a very big boost.
For sponsoring, please, send us an email.
Women doing their traditional dance