The Book Fund donated in 2023 scholastics, playing equipment and IT support to thirteen schools of different nature. This success challenged the Tusaidiane Trust to review in October 2023 the guidelines for participation and the annual structure. The Guidelines can be found on this website under “EDUCATION”.
Annually. there will be 2 rounds for the Book Fund. The first one will be operational at the start of Term-1 (1st half-year) and the second one will be operational at the start of Term-3 (2nd half-year).
From November 2023 to January 2024 ten (10) schools worked hard to provide pupils and teachers in their schools a better start in Term-1 2024 than ever before.
They are:
Management of all schools have promised to write about their experiences, how they implemented their project, and what it means for pupils, teachers, and parents.
Some already did. You will find their contribution by clicking on the name of the school, which is highlighted and underlined.
Look also to the new Book Fund Guidelines under INTERVENTION/EDUCATION and under Scholastics and IT for a thrilling development for the 2nd half-year, initiated by school teachers.
Composed by
Phiona Nalweyiso
Trustee of the Tusaidiane Trust and in-charge for the Book Fund